Any cylinder still containing material should be considered hazardous. Cylinders are pressure vessels intended to hold compressed gases, and present two serious hazards – the pressurized cylinder itself, which has explosive potential, and the materials being stored within, which may be poisonous or flammable.
- To ensure that these cylinders are safe for handling they need to be purged of all contents. Recycling facilities and scrapyards should only process cylinders that have been rendered incapable of maintaining pressure through methods such as:
- Hole drilled into the sidewall;
- Head valve has been removed;
- Cylinder is cut open to display the inner walls.
In the event that a cylinder containing a compressed gas is discovered you should follow your company EHS procedures and policies. The Cylinder Identification Worksheet is provided as a tool to help your team identify cylinders as quickly as possible to support these policies. If a cylinder cannot be identified notify your EHS Department immediately and email a photo of the cylinder to CylinderIdentification@JetStreamCGS.com for identification assistance.
- Cylinders under pressure are considered hazardous materials and transportation of hazardous materials must meet strict Federal and State guidelines. Do not attempt to transport cylinders under pressure off your yard unless you are HAZMAT trained, certified and have met all HAZMAT Transportation Federal and State Regulatory Requirements.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has specific recommendations on the “Recycling and Disposal of Compressed Gas Cylinders” detailed in a Safety Advisory which can be found at http://bit.ly/DOT_Safety_Advisory
Some of the key points for recycling facilities from this advisory include:
At Jet Stream CGS, our goal is to help our clients protect their team and the environment. We don’t want used cylinders to end up in landfills where they can impact the environment, or build up on work sites where they can be neglected for years and pose a physical and environmental hazard.
We provide assistance identifying cylinders at no charge and with no obligation. We also provide onsite gas cylinder management services – including recycling, disposal, inventory management and compliance reporting – to commercial clients nationwide. For best practices on safely handling and storing cylinders see www.JetStreamCGS.com
Contact us at 678-786-9339 for a free consultation to reduce your safety and compliance risk with a cost effective management and disposal program.
CLICK HERE to download the complete cylinder inventory worksheet with photos of various cylinder types.